(defpackage cl-aoc/2024/day1
(:use :cl)
(:import-from :str)
(:import-from :serapeum #:dict)
(:import-from :parse-number #:parse-number)
(:export #:1a #:1b))
(in-package :cl-aoc/2024/day1)
(defun process-input (filename)
"Convert input into two lists, sorted by <"
(let* ((ls (uiop:read-file-lines filename))
(lambda (acc l)
(let ((s (str:split " " l :omit-nulls t)))
`(,(append (list (parse-number (car s))) (car acc))
,(append (list (parse-number (cadr s))) (cadr acc)))))
ls :initial-value '(() ()))))
`(,(sort (copy-seq (car ns)) #'<)
,(sort (copy-seq (cadr ns)) #'<))))
(defun 1a (filename)
"Loop over the two lists subtracting left from right, and summing that value."
(let ((input (process-input filename)))
(loop :for a :in (car input)
:for b :in (cadr input)
:summing (abs (- a b)) into total
:finally (return total))))
(defun process-input2 (filename)
"Convert input into a hash-table keyed on right values storing a frequency
count of right values seen. Also returns a list of the left values which we use
to pull values from the hash-table."
(let* ((ls (uiop:read-file-lines filename))
(h (dict))
(lambda (acc l)
(let* ((s (str:split " " l :omit-nulls t))
(l (parse-number (car s)))
(r (parse-number (cadr s)))
(v (gethash r h)))
(if v
(setf (gethash r h) (+ v 1))
(setf (gethash r h) 1))
(append `(,l) acc)))
ls :initial-value '())))
(values h ns)))
(defun 1b (filename)
"Loop over the left values, extracting the frequency count from hash-table,
multiplying left value by frequency count, and summing."
(multiple-value-bind (h ls)
(process-input2 filename)
(loop :for l :in ls
:summing (if (gethash l h)
(* (gethash l h) l)
0) into total
:finally (return total))))